iphone 4s turns into Autobot and talk
Last Night My Mobile phone turns into an Autobot. I just shocked and watching it, Whats going on to me Phone. Its iPhone brand and 4S model. Before it's transformed its was hot and too faster to perform any operation.
I was checking my emails. Suddenly saw it's abnormal in it's screen, its showing custom alert as message show while its unlocked. In Alert its texting to me to warning me to leave the phone in one minute. And then it's become hot.
I asked and Answered as below..
Where from you?
Autobot: I'm from Cybertron.
How do you come here?
Optimus Prime Bring me here.
Who is Optimus Prime?
Optimus Prime is the leader of Cybertron.
Why you are here?
To learn human Technology.
Why you transform into my mobile?
Your Mobile is a Smart phone with a damn Battery.
iphone 4s turns into Autobot and talk
Reviewed by Towhid